Super Sweet Blog Awards (Nominations!)

Great news! The Isabella Stines blog has been nominated for the (drum roll, please…)


Ta-dah! The Super Sweet Blog Award.

I was actually nominated last week, but due to the craziness of my schedule and some unexpected shenanigans, this post just couldn’t be up any sooner. Now, let’s get started!

First off, I’d like to thank (ha, sounds like I just won a Grammy) Katie Sullivan from the D/A Dialogues for nominating me! Make sure to check out her blog here:

Rule time! If you’ve been nominated & you accept your nomination, you must:

  1. Thank the Super Sweet Blogger that nominated you.
  2. Answer the five super sweet questions (below).
  3. Include the Super Sweet Blogging Award in your blog post (above).
  4. Nominate a baker’s dozen (13) other bloggers.
  5. Notify your nominees on their blog.

(*note, you do not have to accept your nomination. If you don’t feel like participating, that’s totally chill!)


Q: Cookies or Cake?

A: How about a Cookie-Cake. Ya feel me?


Q: Chocolate or Vanilla?

A: Choco to the Late, baby.


Q:  Favorite sweet treat?

A: Cheesecake. Oh, and those oreo-cream-cheese-ball things. Oreo bites, or something like that. Those are killer.


Q: When do you crave sweets the most:

A: When I’m not supposed to.


Q: Sweet nickname?

A: Loo Loo (can you guess where that came from?)

And now what you’ve been waiting for…


  1. Lea Jurock  from
  2. Hope Cook  from
  3. ioniamartin  from
  4. 1WriteWay  from
  5. charlottecarrendar  from
  6. Sherri Lackey  from
  7. poemsandpeople  from
  8. Debbie  from
  9. EBotziou  from
  10. Marina Miller  from
  11. Charles Yallowitz  from
  12. Victoria Grefer   from
  13. Pat Bertram   from
  14. Touch2Touch  from

(I know I was only supposed to pick 13…but I couldn’t decide!)

If Katie Sullivan hadn’t of nominated me first, she would so be on the list above. Have you checked out that blog yet? I’m gonna give you one more chance:  I promise, you won’t be disappointed!

CONGRATS to all of the nominees! You guys deserve it. Your posts have either been super helpful, insightful, funny, interesting…just flat out awesome. Thanks, & great work!  🙂

* * *

Isabella Stines spent most of her childhood diving into books and breaking the rules by reading past her bed time. Still an avid reader, she spends more of her time as a student and musician in addition to writing, fueling her creativity with Ramen noodles and sweet tea. Stines is currently working on her first trilogy.

You can find Isabella on Pinterest ( ) and tweet with her on Twitter:

8 thoughts on “Super Sweet Blog Awards (Nominations!)

  1. Thanks so much for the sweet thought! I’ll have to graciously decline as I already received this award last month. But thanks for thinking of me! 🙂

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